By Justine Gendron

Hanksgiving is officially over this year and we don’t want to THINK about gathering around the table with family again (at least till the next mandated holiday coming up) BUT a question was posed by Jaslyn of the High Expectations podcast-

What five Tom Hanks characters would you like to invite to a Thanksgiving dinner?

Now I’m going to keep within Cutaways canon and just pull from the pool of characters we have covered.  I also want to them to be their characters from the beginning through mid-point of their respective movies, before they’ve gotten together with their loves.

Walter from The Money Pit

 Don’t ask this man to bake a pie.
Don’t ask this man to bake a pie.

Walter is the only one in this list who has a serious girlfriend, so of course he would be accompanied by Anna at our Thanksgiving table. He would never ever be allowed in the kitchen or near any electronic device or outlet. Doubtful if he is even allowed near a bathtub. As nice and helpful with good intentions he is, this man can set off many a Rube Goldberg-like disaster.

He is in charge of bringing the mashed potatoes because he could sculpt his dream house in them, and also I don’t think he could afford to buy much else and will take plenty of leftovers home with him and Anna.

Joe from Joe Versus the Volcano

 This man needs a vacation.
This man needs a vacation.

Joe does not show up. He’s gotta go throw himself in a volcano. He sends his regards though.

Sam from Sleepless in Seattle

 Finally ready to date, this Thanksgiving!
Finally ready to date, this Thanksgiving!

I’m happy to get depressed Sam out of his Seattle houseboat and even happier to have him bring his quirky son Jonah along. The best part about having Sam at Thanksgiving would be the other Toms giving him modern dating tips. Imagine 1993 Sam learning about dating apps. IMAGINE. Jonah of course knows all about them.

Sam brings Tiramisu after Jonah googles it.

Joe from You’ve Got Mail

 Does not put his devices away at the table.
Does not put his devices away at the table.

This Joe would be the most happy and wealthy Tom in attendance. I don’t even remember his girlfriend from this movie, so she can just stay at home. He schmoozes well with the other Toms, especially teaching Sam about the internet and all the dating possibilities that come with it. They also discover they have the same taste in women. Joe would often be stuck in his phone texting back his boo, then resurfacing to control the events and other Toms. He does not like Walter and judges his poor investments.

Joe would bring a big turkey to impress everyone.

Josh from Big

 He better wear this suit.
He better wear this suit.

Josh has himself a big bowl of baby corn at the kids table.

What Tom Hanks characters are you having over for Thanksgiving? Let us know!